Saturday, February 10, 22:30
Followed by DJ set: waves, indie, rock, electro.
Betty Ford Center
reviewer Emanuele Tamagnini ( Nerds Attack! ): "The name of the band is shooting wildly in the underground Roman. We are very happy. And repeat for the umpteenth time, that if a group decides to play like that, must first be able to split the kidneys to the lucky / unlucky customers. The BFC they succeed in full. Because they have a frontwoman with the attributes in the right place. Rending. Provocative. Toast would say the most polished. Why have a bass player "epileptic", tarantulas, acrobatic. Friends of the eclectic say more polished. Why have a drummer imploding, as powerful as a tank full speed .[...] To convince many of these that you can not live on love alone to the culture of new-new Britannia. They just simplicity, sometimes, to make everything pretty damn important. All the more engaging. "
Link / bettyfordcenter
Bud Spencer Blues Explosion
From the need to vent Petulicchio Caesar (drums) and Adrian Viterbini (guitar and vocals), comes the power duo of Bud Spencer Blues Explosion. The sound is more raw and anarchic blues that passes from the sounds of early '90s grunge mixed with low-fi sounds.
I live are a veritable "explosion" sounds. In short: the old Lester Bangs would have liked a lot.
Link / budspencerbluesexplosion
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