Friday, January 25, 2008

Carl Zeiss Lens,1o Mp Camera

Market Profile

Orientation Fiat is still bearish, but the day of the January 24 report the first interruption for several days under a system of institutional bodies and Daytrader, in fact the rule, though not very marked the day that it is for day traders, that's what the title back in the morning at 15 €, the day traders do not create new levels but they act on those already established by the institutional fact, the function of the daytrader is to mediate the stock price up areas considered attractive by the other category of persons (Institutional), we see that in fact the day has fully articulated the levels it had in the previous day. The orientation remains bearish as the day traders do not express an opinion on the merits on the share price, we have to confirm the control point (red line) which seems to be below that of the previous day. So we can not draw conclusions from the day out but simply maintain the orientation already said earlier.


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