Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tattoo After Meningitis

Luckily, had changed

In the months leading up to the primaries, it was all a refrain: "If we win Bersani, a PD will be different." "It will be a PD moved farther to the Left, who will be left as the first party. " And so on, with so many empty words to convince those in Veltroni's PD-Franceschini was not recognized, or it was disappointed (increasing numbers, looking at the latest European), this was the right time, it was worth up to jump Bersani, and so on. And even if the wiser warned, "no Bersani will save us", while still giving you a credit, the procession to the "new PD Bersani relentlessly forward, even more so after his election. Today
shows us what happened in Puglia, unfortunately, that has changed very little. What Bersani wants to make alliances also opening to the left, it's true. Moreover, after the intoxication of self-sufficient veltroniana, Franceschini was even more opposed to this. What has "moved to the left having the Left as the first party," is blatantly denied.
the political line of the PD, in his policy proposals, very little has changed (as say Rutelli, obviously looking for personal visibility after the slap from the authorities of Rome). Particularly new, the previous Secretary, you do not see. In its international position and its relationship with the social partners, absolutely nothing, at least compared to Franceschini (with Veltroni was perhaps a bit worse). But as to the "stakeholders", worse than going at night!
The enlargement of the alliance in Puglia was a goal shared by almost everyone. But working on an expansion is a counter. Another swipe at the foot of the UDC. Vendola has done everything possible to allow the alliance expands. He argued convincingly's apparently the administrations. E 'was available to expand the council since July. Gave maximum availability to all political forces to discuss policy proposals for the next 5 years. It 'was, and still is, also available in the primary, if anyone believed there are better names than his. The UDC has done nothing but slam the door in his face.
Faced with this, go their own way is the least, for those who have a minimum of dignity. This is not a person who took the anger of candidates. This is the outgoing governor. He has the right to play the game. At least in the primary! Of this, with some temper, seemed to have convinced itself the Regional Secretariat of the Democratic Party, not later than one week ago to report "we will support Vendola. Yes, right.
E 'enough action to D'Alema (obviously the real Secretary of the PD, but Bersani) to reverse the situation (or so it seems, to read all the papers. Then from PD's come a thousand voices contrasting that to hear all become crazy). Priority? Ally with Casini. And who cares anyway. That the UDC did not show any willingness for a real dialogue, no respect for a partner, the Centre-Left in Puglia, which has its own leadership, and that, moreover, is willing to put it into play (as long to decide the People), and that in his arguments shows that hypocrisy is hilarious if not so tragic ("who was a political season may not represent another," Buttiglione said about the fact that Vendola led the old center -Left. "But in the second ballot of Bari and Taranto, when they supported the Mayor and the outgoing President of the Province, did not think so). Neither the fact that downloading Vendola would give reason, in fact, the PDL, which was then very easy game to play the thing in the election campaign, arguing (at this point either so wrongly) that the Centre-Left has run rejected by Pugliese only. Above all, who cares that it destroys one of the best political experiences in recent years (but maybe that someone even sorry?). All despite the same basis as the PD, which showed a very different opinion, but obviously, in closed primaries, does not count anymore.
Do not think, by those who do not live in Puglia, this is a local affair. It is not at all like that. And not just because Vendola is, in fact, the leader of Left Ecology and Freedom. Here is a question of political dignity of the Left, all. That 's what is trampled, in Puglia, by PD D'Alema. That showed just how and how not to conceive any respect, no dignity policy, for us. In addition to the same base of his party.
Luckily, they were changed.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What Color Does The Amp/remote Wire Connect To

Solidarity with Barletta

I have pointed out, asking me to write something, an unfortunate situation that is occurring in Barletta. As I have said, in fact, there are 30 families of poor people who lost their jobs, who have suffered an eviction and homeless, sleeping in the car and the situation is getting worse.

Apparently, the town of Barletta fails to intervene.

They deserve my full solidarity, and hope that you find an urgent solution as soon as possible.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Can The Sansause Bluetooth

homeless again on immigrants

Who wrote these words?

"I love the water, many of them stink because they keep the same clothes for several weeks.
shacks are built of wood and aluminum in the suburbs of the cities where they live close to each other.
When they approached the center rent run-down apartments with a price.
usually occurs in two and seek a room with kitchen. After a few days turn into four, six, ten.
Among them speak languages \u200b\u200bincomprehensible to us, probably ancient dialects.
Many children are used for begging in front of churches but often dark-clad women and men almost always older people crying for mercy, petulant and plaintive tones. They
many children who struggle to maintain and are very united among themselves.
They say they are addicted to theft and, if obstructed, violent. Our women avoid them because not only unattractive and wild, but because it has been rumored for some rapes consumed after ambushes on roads devices when the women return from work.
Our leaders have opened too inputs border but, above all, have not been able to select among those who enter our country to work and those who think they live by their wits, or even criminal activities. "

What are they? The Chronicles of today when we speak of" immigration and security "? Who are referring to? to Africans? Slavs? the Kurds? For Roma?

Not at all: The text is taken from a report of the Inspectorate for Immigration in the U.S. Congress on Italian immigrants in the United States, October 1912

For the record: today everyone in the U.S., agree that the Italian immigration was vital for their growth

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Acoustic Solutions Tv Manuals

Conversation with a German immigrant Eritrean

Bari, Trenitalia Station, Track 3, a autonno evening at 23.05.
I missed the train. I thought it was at 22.45. It was 5 minutes before I remembered wrong. Worse still, the other train, the "next", on which they rely, of 23:15, no. I found out looking at the screen and cover the zones. I have to take the Express at midnight, to return home. The problem is that I have a ticket, that of the region, would not allow me to climb. And in my pocket I have not even enough money to pay the difference. I have only 50 cents. It would take twice as much, if it was capable of providing.
Speaking with my parents, the message I received was "go to sleep by her grandmother." Yes, at this time. Forget it. Evil that goes, I'll pay the fine. I'll send me home. But if the question was only to pay the difference, you'd pay in Trani.
I'm tired and worried, I want to sit down. But it's cold. I remember that there is a "booth" there is better. I'm going to see. But initially I do to get away. There are three immigrants who sleep and occupy the chairs. They are worse off than me. It's not fair to ask him to move.
But then I look better. One of the three is not sleeping, sitting, and beside him is an empty seat. Come on, let's go. "Can I?". "Please." For the record, the other immigrant there will be close to move to make room. I'll tell him that you need not.
Well, now we are there. An hour to the train. Or the pitch waiting to fret, or chat with this gentleman ... "Where are you?". "Foggia".
take the same train. The conversation continues. With the Italian is a bit in trouble with the English rule is best (even too much, sometimes I do not understand!). She explains that comes from Eritrea. That there is not live, because of the war. His entire family, except his mother, has been co-opted into the army. So things are looking a bit better since there is the international contingent, which has a separate bit fields. But the conditions remain uninhabitable. All efforts have on the military. Nothing to cultivate the land, and to feel a bit better than the people.
He is here for a year. Does the wood-cutter. To work shifts a lot, from Lecce to power and so on. He manages to live and send money home. "Per month gain sometimes 800, sometimes 1500, it depends." Clearly all unstable.
After a while I feel the need to "do the interrogation." To tell me something as well. I tell him that are of Trani, who come to study in Bari, for policy, and for a newspaper I work online, and that this was the reason for my coming today. Then I do not hold back, and I explain the fact of the ticket, convinced that you will laugh and will hope with me that it goes well.
What happens, however, leaves me speechless. He, who has a problem must be a thousand more than me, has no doubts: "I'll give you the Euro". I am about to dissuade him, saying that it is not right, I could look for other solutions. Do not listen to reason, I put the Euro in hand and picks it back. "The money I sent them home, I've had enough, is not a problem." And the more I continue to talk, the more he insists. "It's not a problem, not a problem."
The train arrives. I go up with him, and I sling in search of conductor. I can fix, fortunately.
I go back to the wagon on which I went to look for it. I have to give him at least the Euro, at this point. The meeting. "Well, all right?" She asks now. Yes, it was all right. I tell him that the Euro will once more give him back, once a station of the Trani will have, but did not want him. It takes me long to convince him to take it back. "I do not need, I do not need."
Well, then the compartment is empty, and there's another half hour, before returning to Trani. We can continue talking.
But at this point I feel I questioned him a bit more delicate. I begin to ask him if he found racism in our country. I answer, surprisingly, no. With us appulo-Lucania is fine. He says he has heard more than a little more than racism by the parties in Turin and Milan.
I am pleased, means that it has not been the victim of unpleasant incidents. And that does not perceive that the tide there. Even if, when I talk about how racism is advancing in Italy, do not tell him things I do not know. Indeed
nods, as one listens to speeches he knows, when I told him how in Italy the growth of the myth of the 'bad immigrant ", how the papers give different relevance to a crime depending on who commits it, how is increasing the 'equation' = African criminal. " And as some parties have built their consent identified immigration as the enemy to fight, and have won the election with the slogan "No more illegal immigrants" (and not just criminals, "which I signed). These things
sa. And he explains that he also saw some of his fellow countrymen (or its neighboring countries) come here to do bad things, from petty theft to drug dealing to Ascisc. "But it's not fair that we pay for them all, we're not."
ask him if he also knows that some people would like everyone to come back to their country. I replied (in English) "to my country if things change and you are better off, going back tomorrow morning, I take the plane and go. But this can not go back. If I go back I die. With that crazy president we have, as do I get back. " Unfortunately
could not have a choice. I ask him if he knows that if he lost the job should go to law. Because certain laws for those who do not work, if an immigrant is automatically criminal. You know. He knows everything! I also explained that 80% of those who are illegal immigrants, he knows, the job does have it. And my question "and are criminals?", The answer is "No". But he adds, "But if they continue like that, left to themselves, many of them will eventually become." Yeah.
He still does not give up: "If I lose this job, I will fight to have another one until the end." On the other hand, or so, or certain death that awaits him in Eritrea, he has not done anything. He adds, explaining that it does not give up, "and then Italy can change." And I think those Italians need to believe, since we believe him.

I'm coming. We salute you. We exchange names for the first time (none of them had felt the need to know the name of the other, until then). And I say "See!". I greet him, saying, "Good Luck." He needs it. And he deserves it. For as I wanted to help. How to live in this country. For the dangers that await him every day of his life. Meanwhile, in his dissent, I will not help him unless instruments. At the station there are some who waiting for me, holding quell'Euro that I return. Even if he does not want.

Trani, Trenitalia Station, 12:31. The train is punctual. I take the Euro who picks me up, I'll do, I go down and I start leaving.

Good luck, man.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pedicure Infections Treatment

The lesson

For four years the SPD has been the trump card in hand, and hath been refused to play it. The trump card is called "Red-Red-Green government, with the Greens and Linke. So in the German parliament earlier there was a sufficient majority. And what would be the right solution to press the CDU from where it was coming, and take back the key to the problem ...

that it was the right solution, said the data from the 2005 elections, and the way we had arrived. The SPD had experienced a continuous decline from 2003 onwards. That is to say, since Schroeder had peg away on Agenda 2010 (flexibility, reduced welfare ... Nothing to do with what we have in Italy, mind you, eh ... But in that context, were unpalatable measures, the more so that they were not at all necessary. In reality, reduce welfare is never necessary, but that's another story ...). Up to that Lafontaine had launched the first WASG, and then the alliance "Die Linke" (now one-party), the consensus of the SPD had lost. Part abstention, the CDU party. The poll has revealed, and all elections of the various lander. Then Lafontaine had started in the middle, and had recovered dall'astensione consensus is, both the CDU itself. Not only that: the same "Schroeder's big comeback" in 2005, which led the SPD to a step from the votes are equal with the CDU (but starting from far behind in the polls), had occurred when they launched the election campaign, had abandoned the tone of the "new center", and had run back the historic social democratic slogans, those who represented that party for decades.

Any analysis could not start from here: the SPD had lost support to the benefit of CDU and abstention, when he had "done downtown." He had recovered some, when she re-banked left. Another part had been recovered by two parties as to the SPD Left (Linke and even the Greens, have reached a remarkable 8%). And if Linke retrieved and Green votes to abstention and the CDU itself, it was clear that the votes were, and what pool of votes necessary to intervene ...

It was clear to anyone who does not want to look at it with blinders on, that the problem, why the former SPD-Green majority was not enough, it was too much moderation. To correct the error was there. A government that included the Linke, and correction of the route on certain points, was the ideal solution for "find" to use the road where he had stopped, and finally recover the consents. He was also accused the opposition slammed the CDU for the third consecutive time. By sunset, the "star" of Angela Merkel, perhaps permanently. Moreover, such experiences were already present (one in all, the city of Berlin, where the SPD ruled for years by Gysi of the PDS, before that there was a link).

But no. You chose the Linke ever. " Has chosen the Grand Coalition. In which, inevitably, the role could not be subordinate to the CDU and its policies, but temperate. In fact, he brought forward a policy which was to investigate the shortcomings of its predecessor, the softening qualities.

continued collapse, and in the polls in local elections. But the successors of Schroeder and his "pupils" (Steinmeier, Müntefering ... All people of the right wing of the party, some of them admittedly too happy to govern with the CDU), seemed not to notice. The SPD became more and more a sieve. And if a majority of votes could be recovered by Verdi and, above all, Linke, another part was inevitably lost. To abstain. Or worse, to the CDU (because "if the SPD is this, might as well ...", apparently reasoning that many have done, especially given the fact that for four years Merkel has shown" good face " even at the cost of losing some votes to the Liberals ...). Beck had tried to straighten the line, but was bumped off.

The results were inevitable: the SPD in four years has lost 11% of the vote. Part of these ratings have been recovered from other forces of the Left (Linke's remarkable leap from 7% to 12%, even the good progress of the Greens, 8% to 10%). But inevitably, another part was dispersed. And so the CDU, despite also having had a fall, was able to triumph. And done, after 4 years of Grand Coalition in which the vampire ally, its beautiful government with the Liberals. And now they will be bitter kale.

The German lesson is clear: the Left can win, to convince, move, when he is able to be herself. The same phenomenon "Linke" shows. But when the Left tries to "become the center" of seeking "third way" and stuff, water it down, moderate and right to pursue on their own ground, will inevitably be lost. And to lose. At the same time, the great progress of the Link, which has lasted 5 / 6 years without knowing pause, reveals how much and how Left simply taking a straight bar, is eschewing defensive identity (who thinks that the link is comparable to the PRC Ferrero is astray. Like those who saw her as a force "extremist" or "anti-government." Quite the contrary: the Linke, under certain conditions, has always been available to govern), and temptations neocentriste, grows and grows well. As, indeed, already showed the same German Greens (born bringing together all the "veterans of the '68 'into a political force that could be on the left of the SPD, and have come since the 90s to high levels and then grow Further to this day).

It 's a lesson that we must grasp in our country. The answer to the crisis Left is neither the one who found Fassino (which even went beyond Schroeder and students, "dissolving the DS in a new force that is even more of the Left, even in the name, and in these days is proving all his contrasddizioni), nor that he has found someone like Paolo Ferrero, who has reacted to the defeat of identity sull'arroccamento bringing PRC ("PRC for today and tomorrow", "elections ever with the hammer and sickle," and so on. ..). The Left is reborn when he finds the courage to innovate while remaining itself. To open a "new stories", to unify its roots, but never let go centrist tendencies and the like.

In Italy, despite a thousand difficulties, there are those who seem to have taken this path. At present, however, is a small entity (not small, one million votes ...), with many enemies. If he can resist, and to move forward, can really be the right card, the decisive one to reconstruct a face that could oppose the right and seek to defeat it. Also depends on all of us. And the support we give to this project.

From here you will also see if and how much we have learned the lesson of Germany.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Goes Best With Hot Chettos

Vendola deserves an apology

Throughout the summer, Nichi Vendola was exposed to the media meat grinder of Tg1, "Il Giornale" and other similar media to them, and the center- in relation to events which had nothing to do with. In this game the massacre, at some point, we were joined by some parts of the Centre-Left (with the clear purpose of playing against his ricandidatura), and some journalists who are not properly used to count among those "regime" (actually ...).
The fact: as we know, there opened, in Bari, an investigation into corruption and Escort, and the world revolved around entrepreneur Tarantini. After an initial phase, in which were involved mainly the leaders of the center (among the first suspects Tato Greek , coordinator of the electoral arm of the Apulian Lease "Puglia first") has run too long a shadow on the grid, particularly on a couple of Councillors. One of them, Alberto German, had already been removed long ago, there was just some "draft" about him (and the PD had "consoled" ferry in the Senate). The other, Sandro Frisullo (first elected representatives of the DS in 2005, Vice-Chairman of the Board, especially powerful in Salento), not wanting to resign, forced to Vendola clear the council and make a new one, something that attracts ire of PD.
anyone, especially the representatives of the PDL itself (without shame) and some well-known in the press, try, then, to pull it in dance. Gossip, innuendo, even explicit charges, add up each other, giving a distorted impression many (and at the same time completely covering the eyes of the people, those who were really involved, especially the members of the same right Pugliese). Draft that begins with some also come from "friendly fire".
Then it happens that after a couple of episodes mishandled by those responsible, and readily manipulated by those above, Vendola decides to express criticism of civil , indicating that some carelessness committed by those responsible may become a tool for those who want to muddy the waters ... And then hell broke loose! "wants Vendola intimidate the PM "! "Vendola Berlusconi as" (this is big, and just look at what happened in the last few days to see how, ed ...)! "It has something to hide, you will see that his name will appear soon!
The fuss, in fact, has run eaten the facts. Someone asked the CSM to "protect the PM from Vendola bad." And the attacks of Italy of Values, PRC and some areas of the Democratic Party has become embarrassingly indistinguishable from those of the same PDL. For a month the media pillory not save, even though, in fact, there is his involvement in any way. But then surrenders
also the time when the facts speak for themselves.
The investigation comes at a port, to define the people who are really involved. And Vendola is not involved in any way , whatever they say. And even Left and Freedom. Indeed, it is to be remembered as the current investigation concerning Health has started an internal investigation by the same request to the Region of Puglia Nichi Vendola and his new Deputy Mayor for Health, after the replacement of German. The investigation concerns the center-field and some of the PD. Vendola not in any way.
And as for the famous "letter", the SJC rejected a few days ago the demand for "protection" for the recipient thereof. Why, I quote, "Vendola did not prejudice the independence of judges." Point. And all the petty comparisons some people go to hell. When we are the real attacks, the CSM certainly does not pray. It is basted
for a month, a campaign of lies against a decent man who has always made the moral issue its flag, paying for it even high political price (in fact the paradigmatic story of zeroing of the Executive. Any other government would not have done so, mired in a dispute with the largest party in the coalition). That not only is not to blame, but has run behaved impeccably, even in this affair. A campaign built on nothing, and the bales are in denial, now, incontrovertibly, by the facts.
Vendola deserves an apology.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Paris_kennedy, Movies

Now more than ever: FORCE NICHI

In the Italian political system, that "many results" from this country, there is an anomaly. His name is Nichi Vendola.

4 years ago, to the right in the historical region of Italy, which historically and in the field of the Centre-Left was "fiefdom" of certain leaders, managed to overturn the odds. He won the primaries against the dolphin men's ceremonial. He won the elections against those who seemed impossible to unseat.

And in these four years has continued to be talked about. Continuing to subvert what appeared to be gangrenous. To do what seemed impossible. How allow many young people to study outside of Puglia and then return to their own land to build on what they had learned . How eradicate cancer dioxin Ilva. How to bring in Puglia CentroNord and grow more than having a job that is growing by 2% per year (ratio Svimez 2007) , and less incidence of job security and more respect for the territorial constraints and ambentali. And much, much more . Proving that there is a way to govern properly.

But not enough for a year has even dared to head the reconstruction of the Left in this Country after the collapse of the Left Rainbow last year. Overcoming also the internal obstacles to his former party . Is formed, with the people and political movements of goodwill on the Left, a new subject . That within two months, and completely unknown to 60% of the electorate, can now reach a million votes. Largely removed from the PD and abstention. And that threat, if it grows, to "steal" even (especially of Peter and abstention, but also on the right, analysts say.)


E 'natural that such a politician bother. Very annoying. And it is normal that you try, somehow, to strike. Craze cards to many people. A too much power too cheap. A too arrogant.

and was impressed. With a mountain of mud and dung, who would not be thrown by the title.

His personal story is about a politician who has made honesty its flag, fighting against the mafia, fighting corruption, refusing to "contributions" flights from anyone. Yet, Tg1, IlGiornale, people like Gaspar and Lease, and, latest, Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(which would have little to talk ) and some of his former comrades (which we have already spoken) they're painting, weeks, and with great media coverage, as the center of some kind scandal.

survey in Apulia, in reality there is. the Premier knows something . The main people involved are as his rival in 2005 and plenipotentiary (de facto) of the PDL in Puglia, Raffaele Fitto as Tato Greek (which was to challenge him next year, but it seems that the PDL have changed my mind ...) Singer and company. A well defined system of power.

A system of power that has fought Vendola. Even when the system is partial revelation cross, and there was cleaning to be done in the Centre-Left. He did not hesitate a moment to dismiss assessors "heavy" and even when one was necessary, to clear the entire Moreover, risking the head-on collision with a PD that was not so much the idea . In this investigation

Vendola is not involved. It is suspected he has not investigated any of the council, is not involved Left and Freedom.

Yet for weeks, the Tg1 and other print media (in the hands of those who we know ... The informationPotential Italy in the controls only one ...) we spoke of the "case Puglia, the" scandal Puglia " and, increasingly, "Vendola case." Aided by some carelessness of a PM that looks like very little to the true heroes we have known in Italy, and has some friends involved in this story.

A week ago, Vendola you can write a civil letter , in which showed how his action was exploited by some scum, and he allowed himself to express some criticism of some of its lightness.

This has led people like Di Pietro and his partt (open the link ...) to wallow in a sea of \u200b\u200bexcrement that already Lease, Gasparri Berlusconi's media and were pulling on him. Not only that: it also allows, in interviews with "Free" (and this is all to say ...), petty comparisons.

All this regard, it should be remembered, a man who is not 'suspect which DID CLEAN, and which Government action was much more effective than 1000 blablabla.

As this excellent article says are many who have an interest in hitting the "anomaly Puglia. The best example of government in Italy. The experience led by those who can rebuild the Left in Italy. Many people wanting to put their hands on Puglia.

If we love our region, if we love and Democracy (yes, really) honesty, we have the duty to rally round the President.

Now more than ever: FORCE NICHI. Do not give up! Policy and Puglia have and will need people like you. Of honest, capable, which makes policy for passion (and, for this reason, shrunk several times the value choice at that time) and shows that there is a better way to do it. Pursuing their own ideas. Continuing the love for their land. Continuing honesty, cleanliness, and clarity of behavior typical of someone who has some history with the shovel. And producing change. The change that I described above, in quell'insufficiente list, because there's so much more that I have not spoken.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is There A Stomach Virus Going Around Arkansas

April 25, Liberation Day, National Day of National Mourning

plaque to shame

Calamandrei Piero, at the town of Cuneo, 1952
The same text appears as 12 August 1993 on a plaque in the square of Sant'Anna di Stazzema, dell'eccidio place on 12 August 1944.

The dorm will have
the monument that we think to Italian
but that stone will be built
up to us to decide.
not with stones smoked
of defenseless villages battered by your extermination
not with the earth of the cemeteries where our fellow youths

not rest in peace with the untouched snow in the mountains for two winters

not challenge you with the spring in these valleys
that saw you escape.
But only the silence of the tortured
only of every rock with the rock of this covenant between free men

sworn volunteers who flocked to
dignity and not to hate
determined to redeem
the shame and terror of the world.
On these streets if you want to return us to our seats

end up dead and living people
same commitment neck tightened around the monument
now and forever

Friday, April 10, 2009

Taylor Yogurt Machine Price

I apologize for not updating my blog in these weeks, I hope to do more in the future.

Today is having to write two words to join the national mourning for the earthquake in the Abruzzi.

A tragedy that caused me pain and anger. Let me point

initiatives of solidarity to the people of Abruzzo that we organized.

My Miù strong solidarity with all victims.

Monday, March 9, 2009

How To Watch Allsp On Ipod

We tease

"the stock market crisis will not affect Italy," Berlusconi and Tremonti, October 2008

"2009 will be a most difficult year of 2008," Giulio Tremonti, March 5, 2009

"The crisis exists, but is lived on average more dramatic than it is "Berlusconi, March 6, 2009

would see a child that we are kidding ... And not only on the crisis!

chatter about "safety safety" (Who have made an election campaign) and then cut 1 billion euros to Police (and then make the rounds ... that create more problems than anything else).

blather by saying that "we need self-sufficiency energy immediately, and instead of investing in renewable they do? NUCLEAR fetch up! Stuff all over Europe if he is raising! As if we all quest'uranio ... Not to mention that in 20 years uranium ends (and meanwhile price will increase dramatically), and to build a nuclear power plant it takes at least 15 ...

But how do you vote PDL?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hello Kitty Pinewood Derby Car

Farewell Walter

Yet another disaster Veltroni has convinced to do what he should do even after the run-off Rome: resign.

Brought in the Secretariat of the CPI (where he became involved in a mess with any of the laws that favored Craxi-saving Fininvest), then Director of the Unit in 1994 is a candidate to Secretary of the PDS. And loses. He became Secretary of the DS in 1998, because D'Alema is going to Palazzo Chigi. And the oak door at a record low (16.6%). In 2001, shortly before his defeat, he escapes to make the Mayor of Rome. During those years, you will swear it's two terms as Mayor and then will go to Africa. And absolutely have no other political roles. Unfortunately it will not.
In 2007, in fact, applies to the Secretary of PD. Supported by all the DS (which Fassino had made his last act as a leader by requiring that all support and tow Uolter Bersani who also wanted to nominate him) and the staff of the Margherita (Rutelli-Marini-Fioroni-Franceschini), wins comfortable against Bindi and Letta (backed by two former minority Margherita).
During the Congress of the DS, all favor the creation of the PD and lanes were told that they wanted to create that party would be "the glue of the Centre-Left", "the helm of the Union" and so on.
Veltroni, however, immediately spariglia cards to the coalition. On many issues makes her party to intervene straight leg. By imposing its position at the expense of that of the Union program, and sparking protests from Left allies.
In January 2008, a year ago, while the coalition, following an investigation that had resulted in the passage outside the support Udeur lived a moment of tension, caused also by a discussion on the electoral law caused by a referendum that had seemed to hold on to it, announcing, as fresh as a quarter of a chicken, that the next election to the Democratic Party would be left alone. And coincidentally (or rather, not by accident, because of this, they told themselves, not making a great figure, however, to say, then you'd think that they have not done for tactical reasons ...), 's UDEUR passes from the support outside the distrust. And the Prodi government, which was to last five years, goes home after a year and a half.
You go to vote, and it alone really. No, an alliance with Italy of Values \u200b\u200bParty (among those who most times, within the majority, had voted against the government on various issues). And cut the bridges with all that is to the left, accusing them of being the cause of the weakness of Prodi. They, who had never failed to lend their votes to the Government, which had expelled those who had voted differently once (while Veltroni did the same with Binetti, who voted against the trust ...), became the crazy extremists which there could be more allies. In lists
was snapped up as people Calearo (the President of Federmeccanica, the man who had forced the metal workers to do hours and hours of strike action for the renewal of contract to which they are entitled), Colaninno (surname resentment on the matter Cai ...), Ichino (the one who wants to raise the Art. 18), putting them in the head lists. Binetti well as the leaders (the one who had voted against the trust).
Throughout the election campaign praising the "end dell'antiberlusconismo. Then he manages to save the result just referring to this. Urging voters to vote for the Left, because "otherwise Berlusconi wins" (with which he likened Mussi Franceschini and Jordan to Nader ...). Will he take the vows, destroying the Rainbow Left (which, ok, had its problems, otherwise it would be so easy to suck back the votes), that ends outside Parliament. But as to not to win berlosco, well, nothing so far. The PDL is the first party in Italy, PDL-PD-League off-Mpa IDV of more than 9 points (the PDL alone would have won even without the league). The League overflows, 8%. Berlosco can win big without the UDC, as up to a year before he even dreamed of.
Yet after the vote, he seems almost to have won. It seems as if the two are winners. But when one is alone, and in a manner so clear that everyone else can not fail to be considered disastrous results. And after losing
Government and Policy, also lost in Rome. After 15 years at the right. Mayor Alemanno. Not even in the worst nightmares. Part of the sgoverno

berlosco, and strap him box. Berlosco does Lodo Alfano, and PD does not go to the streets, unlike all the others (okay, then the event had a large defect, an operation that had to be ... But there's another story). Maroni decided to fingerprint Roma children, and the mayors of PD in chorus say "we could think of us," before someone, led by Rosy Bindi, who now say is one sick, leaving only the Left to say. Gelmini reform, are conspicuous by their absence for two months. At best, some mild criticism for the declaration of "cuts exaggerated", but also measures to support (Luigi Berlinguer Gelmini asking to go on ...), while Mussi and Cento going to carry the school is in the vicinity ... Then explodes the Wave, and are queued (along with Di Pietro). But
any position other than the sgoverno they take, take it with thousands of distinction, blurring, softening, weakening it. Why? It is not clear. Then all the favors that are on the right in the last two months, I've listed in the post below, and I'm not saying.
While a consolidation of reports, to reconstruct a Centre-Left (as advocated by D'Alema, for example), does not advance at all. We are working at all. Meanwhile
defeats continues. After losing to the Government, Policies, Rome, Abruzzo loses in November.
And yesterday, full of ridges, Sardinia. Election lighted and clearly influenced by the national scene, as evidenced by the fact that the presence of berlosco overturned an outcome that seemed to assume a confirmation of the excellent Outgoing President Soru. Evidently it was too much even for him.

Now go away. Chooses not to wait for the likely defeat in the European elections (where polls for the PD to 24%). Would have been better that he had done much earlier.

And now to work more than before, to rebuild and a new Left, right, center-left. A difficult task, because we do not know what will come out of there, because when something is broken, then rebuilt and complicated. But it is also absolutely necessary.

Farewell Walter. Do not fail me. I hope that the damage you've done is not irreparable ... We will see very soon

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Maybelline Dream Matte Mouse Blush Swatch


The leadership of the PD (despite significant position statements to the contrary have been recorded by many, by D'Alema to Pollastrini, olive trees to the left inner-who finally beat a blow-by Livia to the Turkish Secretary of Piedmont Region) and that of the PDL have reached ' mess.

On what? Oh, but it's easy to say. What really interested in them? The electoral law! But not the National, the famous "porcellum", which really should be changed. No! That of the European ... What has never given any kind of problem!

remember that the European Parliament does not elect a majority government, or there is a problem of fragmentation, as MEPs are organized into groups on a European scale, those that remain.

What was the need, therefore, to amend the Electoral Act (now with 3 pure proportional preferences)? NO.

the matter had been discussed months ago, when as part of "Forza Italy" had advanced the idea of \u200b\u200bputting the barrier at 5% and the abolition of preferences. A high trap to bury definitively Storace, not having the competition of many small parties of the center-right policies presented themselves in the PDL (and MPA Lombardo) and embarrass the UDC, and blocked lists, to avoid competition within the PDL AN, more rooted in the territory, it made him feel.

Rumors told that Veltroni the proposal for internal and external, not sorry. But, for many reasons (relationship with the UDC, internal pressure), it was possible to tip the balance, and had to pretend to oppose. UDC

Meanwhile, MPA and Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin Parliament announced the filibuster. And with the secret ballot, and the discontent of AN and also of the League, threatened to destroy it. Moreover, the neo-extra-parliamentary forces had made them feel, and the same had occurred Napolitano asking "not to implement a reform is not shared ...

At that point, the heads of forzitalia have decided that it was worth it, to change a law so doing you a favor to themselves, but also Veltroni, assuming all the weight (Even in the face of the campaign that was exploding right in public opinion in favor of Preferences, already eliminated because porcellum Policies), and also risking that the thing jumped.

Everything seemed closed, but ... that the leadership of the Democratic Party is set in motion. They want it the dam! They say (to save face) of wanting to 3%, but do not want to give it up. From Palazzo Chigi

sometimes respond more spades, then make some counter to the system which brings all that he had asked Forzitalia. But Veltroni Loft ends in the minority, and the agreement on this basis, is not achieved. Also because, on the other hand, the PDL does not give up yet, and the league is to know that is against it. At least at that time. But Veltroni

-Bettini-Tonini-Soro-Franceschini not give up (oh, they're stubbornness when it comes to opposition to the disastrous choices of'm sgoverno! Damn them ...), continue to propose to put the barrier "to 4% as a point of mediation "(...). And suddenly ... Toh! PDL League and change their minds, and reach the "grand bargain" ...

At what price? Presto said! The PD "start the dialogue" on Justice, fails in the Senate on Federalism, and, with 100 deputies absent, save Cosentino (the scent of the undersecretary in the Camorra) from the no-confidence motion in the House. Clearly the exchange is not declared, but they believe that there is only fools. It 's too obvious to be coincidental.

All for something that is not needed, and the only effect that will have to remove pieces of representation in the country (after we already have a parliament that represents only 2 / 3 of the Italians, all of this democracy-something that a party that calls itself "Democratic" should take! - weakens a lot!).

But since all the "big reasons" that give a manifestly unfounded since 'they do it?

It 's simple: it is a gigantic scam that they want to make the electorate.

The leadership of the Democratic Party is in crisis (it is all too clear). So far all the had lost, whatever they say. Lost to the Government, lost the election, lost Rome, lost the Abruzzo, in freefall in the polls (some say even 23% ... 23% is the proportion who reached the DS alone, governments of 2004 .. ..) All analysts agree that the Europeans play everything. Also because no other potential leaders begin to hide even more too. Policies

If they had managed to reach 33% with the scam of the "useful vote" (success: they had deceived the people could win and have sucked a lot of votes that otherwise would have left) and demonizing former allies, painting them as fools and extremists always putting attention (taking advantage that they could not defend himself, since the media obscuring them) on their more radical constituents and identity, the European Union, this certainly could not do.

Because there is no premium to the European majority. And why, on the Left, something is happening that they themselves said they hoped: a unitary process, which is leading to the birth of a real political entity, renovated (so that those more related to the "hammer and sickle forever" if they are taken out , causing cracks in the notes Refoundation Communist, with Vendola that made artificially in the minority was forced to leave the Party together with its component, supports this process) and unitary.

This subject, of course, is well more competitive not only of the previous games, but also of the Rainbow Left. The polls gave him a little above 3% (cmq higher than the share achieved by the rainbow in April, despite the absence of some pieces), and with great growth potential. A contestant left (on the side that the Democratic Party in his run moderate, has completely abandoned), which can chew other consents (yes, even a potential ally to rebuild a Centre-Left that can aspire to win, but takes longer to Veltroni his chair ...). A major annoyance for those around you are playing. So what?

So, since you can not use the "useful vote" and they can not be demonized as "Crazy extremists" (or at least, most eyes will skip the contradiction), so here it puts a nice barrier (but heck, let's just afraid ...). Why? Why so you can make people believe that "The Left" was only for electoral purposes, which is only a sign "(when we work from 20 September, and when it seemed that there were no barriers work has been carried faster!), placing it in a bad light, and try to pretend that a vote on it is "lost" because of its barrier made from them.

a scam. Un'Euro scam.

And just to make it, have left the green light to the center-right on the worst garbage (getting ready to do it on "dialogue" on justice ...). Not even realize that in this way just the PDL, on a European scale, could be the party that has more advantages in "sanitizing" the "little people" of the center-right, may point to become the first group within the PPE, moving everything to the political right in Europe. And because it's "absolute ratings, and comparisons with PD, no PD could vote to prevent this.

They go on. Despite their various internal areas, interested in rebuilding a Centre-Left that can aspire to win (and, therefore, can be reborn to the fact that a strong Left, which make deals with serious programming), have said "stop."

does not care to promote the right to do an operation that does not serve the country and indeed remains representative democracy and therefore, to weaken a strong center-left perspective in the future. Do not give a damn.

They just want to pass their scam to save his chair. As the other side also want to pass the scam to strengthen against the CDU (and also have an opposition in Italy to continue to be dominated by certain people who continue to lose them all).

that remains is to foil this scam. The voting for the Left, and Move it over the barrier. And would that PD and PDL can take fewer votes.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Console Tables Oak Veneer

NEVER 'A world to interpret

Today, January 27th, is Remembrance Day.

On this day we remember the 17 million victims of the Nazi Holocaust , including 6 million Jews (and then Roma, Sinti, homosexuals, disabled, the sick, prisoners of war, Slavs, political opponents, Jehovah's Witnesses , Pentacostali ... All of them were also victims of the criminal designs of the Nazis, and too many if they forget, persecuting them yet).

But the racial laws, the persecution of Italian Jewish citizens, the Italians who suffered deportation, imprisonment, death, and those who, even in different fields and camps, have opposed the project of extermination, and at the risk of their lives they have saved more lives and protected the persecuted .

Someone, 65 years ago, believed it possible to decide that some people did not deserve to live. And so, first submitted them to horrific treatment, and finally brought them to death in gas chambers and crematoria.

A terrifying massacre, that we must never forget. Because those who forget their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

One reason, our country was not at fault. Here too there were the racial laws. Even from here in many were deported and murdered.

And I can not but be horrified at seeing more people who play the skinheads do not realize what that means.

preserve the memory

You who live safe In your warm houses, You who find

returning in the evening, Hot food and friendly faces: Consider if this is

a man Who works in the mud Who knows no peace

Who fights for a crust of bread Who dies
for a yes or a no.
Consider if this is a woman, Without hair and

no more strength to remember, Her eyes empty and her womb cold Like a frog
forget that this was:
Remember these words.
Engrave in your heart
When at home because,
bed, rising;
Repeat them to your children. Or have you undone
illness impede you, May your children
twist their faces from you. "
(Primo Levi," If This Is a Man ")


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Funny Names For Gengar

" We are convinced that the world, this terrible, intricate world of today, can be known, understood, processed, and placed at the service of man, his welfare, his happiness. The struggle for this goal is a test that can fill a life with dignity "
(Enrico Berlinguer)

Sorry for the interruption. Recently, I had little time for many things, and the blog was one of them. I hope to remedy.

The war between Israel and Palestine seems over, finally. But for weeks we have witnessed a huge massacre. I expressed my position in the previous post, and I'm not here to repeat, it seems clear enough. What I would add, the war took place, is that the Israeli government has done something which define "disproportionate reaction" is really an understatement. Some images are something creepy for any consciousness, even more so for those who, like me, the right of Israel to exist has never doubted. There is something called "war crime". The deliberate killings of civilians, with heads of children who fall into the ground and it was absolutely impossible to escape, are something that violates this limit.
The end of hostilities left a Gaza that is a pile of rubble, with Hamas stronger than ever (or so I'm afraid), and a huge number that will be hard to heal wounds.
While here, in front of a beautiful event for Peace held in Assisi, organized by Arci, Tavola della Pace, SD, Left, and various associations, there were demonstrations on the one hand "with Israel, without ifs and buts" where everything was justified and delirious slogans like "Israel is our enemy outpost against the advancing Muslim" (and is the shit said a former Minister of the Italian Republic, is currently a leading role in Parliament in the PDL ...), the other many have begun to exchange the just struggle for a Palestinian state and give the Palestinians the opportunity to live well with a need to stir hatred towards others, with the eerie calls (launched by someone in Rome) to boycott the shops Jewish communities (stuff that reminds me of the sad events that Italy has experienced!) and a creeping anti-Semitism that awakens ...

give peace to this world is a difficult challenge. An important part of that challenge is one of the difficult things more complex than "evidence that can fill a life with dignity" that drew Enrico Berlinguer.

But now it seems that the world has changed. Something has definitely changed. Maybe not what anyone hoped. I'm talking about, I think we both understand, that Obama has arrived.
His presidency is another thing that requires more interpretive work than it seems. When I wrote the post pre-election, seemed to some that I wanted to do the opposite-bastian. It is certainly not the case.
The changes are obvious. In word and deed. The closure of Guantanamo Bay remains one of the world's shame. The intention to leave Iraq and change its strategy in Afghanistan (Biden said that Bush has left him a slaughterhouse ... I think the logical consequence is that the strategy should be changed ...), the words of criticism of the market, the intention to sign Kyoto, to launch renewable building a public health system (although on this aspect at the gate ...) are things that, for this country, represent a clear break point, which would be stupid not to appreciate (and beyond the symbolic value of his victory in a country 40 years ago that killed Martin Luther King). The comparison with Bush (which I will NOT!), Then, could even be ruthless. But if wrong
who closes his eyes to all this (and in Italy they do, some "extremist", but also a good part of a right that does not want to see how all your passwords are set apart ).
But at the same time those who want to do wrong "model to which it must inspire the Left in Europe. "He is wrong because it decontextualizes, because he makes a thousand mistakes conceptual. And why, not realizing what he says, eventually remove the same value to an Obama victory, which is wonderful especially because it came there.
Many of the things that are announced (and will have trouble making cmq, must fight against all the elements of his party, which is full of people, so to speak, "moderate", and many of them had to take them in his government ...) , if the U.S. is a dramatic change, in many countries of Europe have learned things from even the conservative forces (and up to fifteen years ago it was the same in Italy ...). So maybe you do not grasp the true lesson of his victory to have the courage to be oneself, to make radical proposals (when they are right), the right not to chase them, disastrous land. All things that many people have forgotten how to do.
However, his arrival, and the end of Bushism, I hope to bring world overrun by a logic that in the last 20 years (and beyond) was predominant. That the use of force. Abuse. Of "natural law". Someone said that the war between Israel and Palestine was over because he arrived. Frankly I do not think so, but I hope that somehow that will affect the country more powerful in the world is no longer driven by pure warmongers but from a person who says to put the dialogue in the first place ... We'll see!

But things unravel from there are many in our house ... The gang of

sold (CISL-UIL, UGL) has signed with Confindustria and the government, a "reform of the model contract" that I, on the future worker (hopefully) scary. Reduce the safeguards for workers almost everywhere. You know, the worker, in bargaining, is the weaker party. More workers join, the more power they have, the more they can get. Well, this "reform" (sic) that? Would remove much of its bargaining "weight", reduces it to mere bargaining "Regulated" by delegating the rest of company by company, unless the individual contract (ie, "you see it on its own). In addition, remove many of the tools, already inadequate, acts to adjust wages to inflation.
Easy to understand what this will mean: WAGES STILL MORE 'TO FAME than today. Which are already very low. Nonsense!
In all this, the CGIL is the only one to do the right thing by not signing. Half, picking criticisms of PD, the more "desirable" Veltroni's because "they succeed in settling the agreement." As if there were differences of small boats!
Moreover, as noted a fine article by Tania spent on the site of Article 21 , conferences organized by the PD calls go to: 1) Confindustria 2) CNA 3) CISL. Their world is. Misfortune would have it be, with Di Pietro, the only opposition in this present Parliament (which must be changed as soon as possible).

Similar scenes have been seen on fiscal federalism. A law that takes away from the South and the North, in any way the turns and faces. This article, written by former Economy Undersecretary Alfiero Grandi, explains briefly but clearly, the folly of approval.
AND PD and Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the Senate they have done? ABSTENTIONS HAVE!
So much opposition??

Instead of tackling the problems, sort out situations, to fight the wrong things, they prefer to jump on the bandwagon, abstain, chasing the right and even the League?

Or is another question, and alleges that the Democratic Party, concerned by polls that give you free fall, attempting to "cover to the left" with a barrage that he hopes will make him save his vows, and for this is willing to mess with the government so shameful? Why

something unclear in their behavior, there is: why such weakness on these issues, and a lot of energy to promote the change of electoral laws in the European area-Cesarini? With assistance of some loyalist Veltroni that follow every day?

E 'to these people that we should give? Especially against a sgoverno like this, which takes from the poor to give to the rich, to give away to the South to the North, she attacked the weakest (see immigration), cut public services to all go? They should fight them here? What now seems willing to agree even on Justice (with a government led by a convict)?

And never mind, for love of country, the joke of the Government itself, which would have us believe that helping the poor giving to the rich (and cutting taxes for the rich and helping tax evaders), to "resurrect the South" by cutting resources, to "do a better school" by cutting funds to settle things with a mess like Social Card ...

essential and urgent, therefore, seems to be even more the reconstruction of the Left. A reconstruction is starting. This morning I heard the words of the Nichi Vendola seminar RPS. He said things that any sensible person would want to hear. To him and his hard work component of the PRC, this process. I know what it means to do a split. We at SD, we spent a year and a half ago. And 'painful, it leaves you empty inside. But at the same time, when you need it would be worse not to. The urgency of the reconstruction of the Left could not wait for the punishment of those who thinks he can solve everything with a hammer and sickle (the symbol that should be saved from these people who ruin the story) of who does not want to drive because there is "the theme of revolution" , who has nostalgia of the Berlin Wall.
If these people wait forever, you would not ever built, the Left. And you can not wait any longer. The country is in need of a serious Left, which does not stop being herself and at the same time does not withdraw into small nooks Orman not so sure. This path will
appointments in February referendum. The "core of ideas", in which people will be taken to define the identity of the Italian left. The priorities it faces. The features that should have.

E 'urgent. Why Berlinguer's phrase is even more true today then. And you can not give up the challenge to die of moderates, such as PD, or fetish symbol, like Ferrero. And most can not afford the country, the return of the Left has a need, that is, extreme.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

White High School Graduation Dresses

Enough of this war

peoples of Israel and Palestine back to not having peace (if they have ever had).

E 'riscoppiata war. Another time. Again triggered by those crazy ultra-nationalists and warmongers of Hamas and their murderous attacks unjustified. Once again the Israeli government (which still does not respect the agreements it has signed) it was triggering the massacre, a terrible massacre that is destroying Gaza and its population (and now his Foreign Minister said that there would be no humanitarian emergency! ).

We have seen this before, two and a half years ago, in the summer of 2006. At the time all joined Hezbollah (another criminal group, and nationalist warmonger. In Europe they call "extreme right") from Lebanon, with subsequent invasion of Lebanon itself (the Government, which had intenrno Hezbollah as an enemy, nothing c 'enter). This time, the least that we should save. But otherwise you're repeating everything, tragically, as then.

to pay, as always, as in all wars, it is people. The people of Gaza that is seen and sees the bombed your country (or what little is left of it) destroyed that Israel lives in fear every day that the Hamas rockets.

Some might ask, "Whose side are you?". The answer is "on the side of those who want peace." On the side of Abu Mazen, Palestinian National Authority President-elect, whose authority has been cleared. The side of the Israeli peace not seen represented either by their government (which perhaps many of them had voted, according to the programs Kadima & c.), nor even the main opposition party (Likud, other nationalists and war) 's only slightly closer to their strength (Meretz) currently has a weight close to zero. Certainly

I can not stand neither with Hamas, which continues to wage war with another nation trying to destroy the state, nor with the Israeli government, which says lots of good intentions, and then reacts to Hamas unleashed massacres that have the sole effect of the strike ordinary people and strengthen it.

The only solution is "Two Peoples, Two States." It seems so simple, yet there are those who reject it, and who never fails to prosecute to the end (perhaps because they do not want to ...). Yet

any other solution is that which involves the destruction of Israel (crazy idea that someone in Hamas still hatching), is one that provides a non-royal birth, or a precarious existence (almost protectorate), perhaps "Half" of the Palestinian state that the agreements included the 1948 (an idea that someone in Israel will nurture as well, since the agreements are still not implemented!), Is clearly stoned, unfair, bringer of blood.

When will these two peoples can finally have peace? Why do people have to pay for the follies of two groups of warmongers who have the military power in the two factions?

When do you stop using religion to stir up something that certainly has nothing to do with it (at least when it comes to those religions that recognize the 10 Commandments, including "Thou shalt not kill"), as the war?

Above: when the boys Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs (and Christians, and any other religion) will take a land that for all their religion is the Holy Spirit in the one that would be suitable, what the brotherhood?

this time seems far away. Too far. It hurt me a believer riscoppiare see these massacres took place in the land where the facts laid in these days we celebrate the anniversary.