Farewell Walter
Yet another disaster Veltroni has convinced to do what he should do even after the run-off Rome: resign.
Brought in the Secretariat of the CPI (where he became involved in a mess with any of the laws that favored Craxi-saving Fininvest), then Director of the Unit in 1994 is a candidate to Secretary of the PDS. And loses. He became Secretary of the DS in 1998, because D'Alema is going to Palazzo Chigi. And the oak door at a record low (16.6%). In 2001, shortly before his defeat, he escapes to make the Mayor of Rome. During those years, you will swear it's two terms as Mayor and then will go to Africa. And absolutely have no other political roles. Unfortunately it will not.
In 2007, in fact, applies to the Secretary of PD. Supported by all the DS (which Fassino had made his last act as a leader by requiring that all support and tow Uolter Bersani who also wanted to nominate him) and the staff of the Margherita (Rutelli-Marini-Fioroni-Franceschini), wins comfortable against Bindi and Letta (backed by two former minority Margherita).
During the Congress of the DS, all favor the creation of the PD and lanes were told that they wanted to create that party would be "the glue of the Centre-Left", "the helm of the Union" and so on.
Veltroni, however, immediately spariglia cards to the coalition. On many issues makes her party to intervene straight leg. By imposing its position at the expense of that of the Union program, and sparking protests from Left allies.
In January 2008, a year ago, while the coalition, following an investigation that had resulted in the passage outside the support Udeur lived a moment of tension, caused also by a discussion on the electoral law caused by a referendum that had seemed to hold on to it, announcing, as fresh as a quarter of a chicken, that the next election to the Democratic Party would be left alone. And coincidentally (or rather, not by accident, because of this, they told themselves, not making a great figure, however, to say, then you'd think that they have not done for tactical reasons ...), 's UDEUR passes from the support outside the distrust. And the Prodi government, which was to last five years, goes home after a year and a half.
You go to vote, and it alone really. No, an alliance with Italy of Values \u200b\u200bParty (among those who most times, within the majority, had voted against the government on various issues). And cut the bridges with all that is to the left, accusing them of being the cause of the weakness of Prodi. They, who had never failed to lend their votes to the Government, which had expelled those who had voted differently once (while Veltroni did the same with Binetti, who voted against the trust ...), became the crazy extremists which there could be more allies. In lists
was snapped up as people Calearo (the President of Federmeccanica, the man who had forced the metal workers to do hours and hours of strike action for the renewal of contract to which they are entitled), Colaninno (surname resentment on the matter Cai ...), Ichino (the one who wants to raise the Art. 18), putting them in the head lists. Binetti well as the leaders (the one who had voted against the trust).
Throughout the election campaign praising the "end dell'antiberlusconismo. Then he manages to save the result just referring to this. Urging voters to vote for the Left, because "otherwise Berlusconi wins" (with which he likened Mussi Franceschini and Jordan to Nader ...). Will he take the vows, destroying the Rainbow Left (which, ok, had its problems, otherwise it would be so easy to suck back the votes), that ends outside Parliament. But as to not to win berlosco, well, nothing so far. The PDL is the first party in Italy, PDL-PD-League off-Mpa IDV of more than 9 points (the PDL alone would have won even without the league). The League overflows, 8%. Berlosco can win big without the UDC, as up to a year before he even dreamed of.
Yet after the vote, he seems almost to have won. It seems as if the two are winners. But when one is alone, and in a manner so clear that everyone else can not fail to be considered disastrous results. And after losing
Government and Policy, also lost in Rome. After 15 years at the right. Mayor Alemanno. Not even in the worst nightmares. Part of the sgoverno
berlosco, and strap him box. Berlosco does Lodo Alfano, and PD does not go to the streets, unlike all the others (okay, then the event had a large defect, an operation that had to be ... But there's another story). Maroni decided to fingerprint Roma children, and the mayors of PD in chorus say "we could think of us," before someone, led by Rosy Bindi, who now say is one sick, leaving only the Left to say. Gelmini reform, are conspicuous by their absence for two months. At best, some mild criticism for the declaration of "cuts exaggerated", but also measures to support (Luigi Berlinguer Gelmini asking to go on ...), while Mussi and Cento going to carry the school is in the vicinity ... Then explodes the Wave, and are queued (along with Di Pietro). But
any position other than the sgoverno they take, take it with thousands of distinction, blurring, softening, weakening it. Why? It is not clear. Then all the favors that are on the right in the last two months, I've listed in the post below, and I'm not saying.
While a consolidation of reports, to reconstruct a Centre-Left (as advocated by D'Alema, for example), does not advance at all. We are working at all. Meanwhile
defeats continues. After losing to the Government, Policies, Rome, Abruzzo loses in November.
And yesterday, full of ridges, Sardinia. Election lighted and clearly influenced by the national scene, as evidenced by the fact that the presence of berlosco overturned an outcome that seemed to assume a confirmation of the excellent Outgoing President Soru. Evidently it was too much even for him.
Now go away. Chooses not to wait for the likely defeat in the European elections (where polls for the PD to 24%). Would have been better that he had done much earlier.
And now to work more than before, to rebuild and a new Left, right, center-left. A difficult task, because we do not know what will come out of there, because when something is broken, then rebuilt and complicated. But it is also absolutely necessary.
Farewell Walter. Do not fail me. I hope that the damage you've done is not irreparable ... We will see very soon
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