Sunday, January 25, 2009

Funny Names For Gengar

" We are convinced that the world, this terrible, intricate world of today, can be known, understood, processed, and placed at the service of man, his welfare, his happiness. The struggle for this goal is a test that can fill a life with dignity "
(Enrico Berlinguer)

Sorry for the interruption. Recently, I had little time for many things, and the blog was one of them. I hope to remedy.

The war between Israel and Palestine seems over, finally. But for weeks we have witnessed a huge massacre. I expressed my position in the previous post, and I'm not here to repeat, it seems clear enough. What I would add, the war took place, is that the Israeli government has done something which define "disproportionate reaction" is really an understatement. Some images are something creepy for any consciousness, even more so for those who, like me, the right of Israel to exist has never doubted. There is something called "war crime". The deliberate killings of civilians, with heads of children who fall into the ground and it was absolutely impossible to escape, are something that violates this limit.
The end of hostilities left a Gaza that is a pile of rubble, with Hamas stronger than ever (or so I'm afraid), and a huge number that will be hard to heal wounds.
While here, in front of a beautiful event for Peace held in Assisi, organized by Arci, Tavola della Pace, SD, Left, and various associations, there were demonstrations on the one hand "with Israel, without ifs and buts" where everything was justified and delirious slogans like "Israel is our enemy outpost against the advancing Muslim" (and is the shit said a former Minister of the Italian Republic, is currently a leading role in Parliament in the PDL ...), the other many have begun to exchange the just struggle for a Palestinian state and give the Palestinians the opportunity to live well with a need to stir hatred towards others, with the eerie calls (launched by someone in Rome) to boycott the shops Jewish communities (stuff that reminds me of the sad events that Italy has experienced!) and a creeping anti-Semitism that awakens ...

give peace to this world is a difficult challenge. An important part of that challenge is one of the difficult things more complex than "evidence that can fill a life with dignity" that drew Enrico Berlinguer.

But now it seems that the world has changed. Something has definitely changed. Maybe not what anyone hoped. I'm talking about, I think we both understand, that Obama has arrived.
His presidency is another thing that requires more interpretive work than it seems. When I wrote the post pre-election, seemed to some that I wanted to do the opposite-bastian. It is certainly not the case.
The changes are obvious. In word and deed. The closure of Guantanamo Bay remains one of the world's shame. The intention to leave Iraq and change its strategy in Afghanistan (Biden said that Bush has left him a slaughterhouse ... I think the logical consequence is that the strategy should be changed ...), the words of criticism of the market, the intention to sign Kyoto, to launch renewable building a public health system (although on this aspect at the gate ...) are things that, for this country, represent a clear break point, which would be stupid not to appreciate (and beyond the symbolic value of his victory in a country 40 years ago that killed Martin Luther King). The comparison with Bush (which I will NOT!), Then, could even be ruthless. But if wrong
who closes his eyes to all this (and in Italy they do, some "extremist", but also a good part of a right that does not want to see how all your passwords are set apart ).
But at the same time those who want to do wrong "model to which it must inspire the Left in Europe. "He is wrong because it decontextualizes, because he makes a thousand mistakes conceptual. And why, not realizing what he says, eventually remove the same value to an Obama victory, which is wonderful especially because it came there.
Many of the things that are announced (and will have trouble making cmq, must fight against all the elements of his party, which is full of people, so to speak, "moderate", and many of them had to take them in his government ...) , if the U.S. is a dramatic change, in many countries of Europe have learned things from even the conservative forces (and up to fifteen years ago it was the same in Italy ...). So maybe you do not grasp the true lesson of his victory to have the courage to be oneself, to make radical proposals (when they are right), the right not to chase them, disastrous land. All things that many people have forgotten how to do.
However, his arrival, and the end of Bushism, I hope to bring world overrun by a logic that in the last 20 years (and beyond) was predominant. That the use of force. Abuse. Of "natural law". Someone said that the war between Israel and Palestine was over because he arrived. Frankly I do not think so, but I hope that somehow that will affect the country more powerful in the world is no longer driven by pure warmongers but from a person who says to put the dialogue in the first place ... We'll see!

But things unravel from there are many in our house ... The gang of

sold (CISL-UIL, UGL) has signed with Confindustria and the government, a "reform of the model contract" that I, on the future worker (hopefully) scary. Reduce the safeguards for workers almost everywhere. You know, the worker, in bargaining, is the weaker party. More workers join, the more power they have, the more they can get. Well, this "reform" (sic) that? Would remove much of its bargaining "weight", reduces it to mere bargaining "Regulated" by delegating the rest of company by company, unless the individual contract (ie, "you see it on its own). In addition, remove many of the tools, already inadequate, acts to adjust wages to inflation.
Easy to understand what this will mean: WAGES STILL MORE 'TO FAME than today. Which are already very low. Nonsense!
In all this, the CGIL is the only one to do the right thing by not signing. Half, picking criticisms of PD, the more "desirable" Veltroni's because "they succeed in settling the agreement." As if there were differences of small boats!
Moreover, as noted a fine article by Tania spent on the site of Article 21 , conferences organized by the PD calls go to: 1) Confindustria 2) CNA 3) CISL. Their world is. Misfortune would have it be, with Di Pietro, the only opposition in this present Parliament (which must be changed as soon as possible).

Similar scenes have been seen on fiscal federalism. A law that takes away from the South and the North, in any way the turns and faces. This article, written by former Economy Undersecretary Alfiero Grandi, explains briefly but clearly, the folly of approval.
AND PD and Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the Senate they have done? ABSTENTIONS HAVE!
So much opposition??

Instead of tackling the problems, sort out situations, to fight the wrong things, they prefer to jump on the bandwagon, abstain, chasing the right and even the League?

Or is another question, and alleges that the Democratic Party, concerned by polls that give you free fall, attempting to "cover to the left" with a barrage that he hopes will make him save his vows, and for this is willing to mess with the government so shameful? Why

something unclear in their behavior, there is: why such weakness on these issues, and a lot of energy to promote the change of electoral laws in the European area-Cesarini? With assistance of some loyalist Veltroni that follow every day?

E 'to these people that we should give? Especially against a sgoverno like this, which takes from the poor to give to the rich, to give away to the South to the North, she attacked the weakest (see immigration), cut public services to all go? They should fight them here? What now seems willing to agree even on Justice (with a government led by a convict)?

And never mind, for love of country, the joke of the Government itself, which would have us believe that helping the poor giving to the rich (and cutting taxes for the rich and helping tax evaders), to "resurrect the South" by cutting resources, to "do a better school" by cutting funds to settle things with a mess like Social Card ...

essential and urgent, therefore, seems to be even more the reconstruction of the Left. A reconstruction is starting. This morning I heard the words of the Nichi Vendola seminar RPS. He said things that any sensible person would want to hear. To him and his hard work component of the PRC, this process. I know what it means to do a split. We at SD, we spent a year and a half ago. And 'painful, it leaves you empty inside. But at the same time, when you need it would be worse not to. The urgency of the reconstruction of the Left could not wait for the punishment of those who thinks he can solve everything with a hammer and sickle (the symbol that should be saved from these people who ruin the story) of who does not want to drive because there is "the theme of revolution" , who has nostalgia of the Berlin Wall.
If these people wait forever, you would not ever built, the Left. And you can not wait any longer. The country is in need of a serious Left, which does not stop being herself and at the same time does not withdraw into small nooks Orman not so sure. This path will
appointments in February referendum. The "core of ideas", in which people will be taken to define the identity of the Italian left. The priorities it faces. The features that should have.

E 'urgent. Why Berlinguer's phrase is even more true today then. And you can not give up the challenge to die of moderates, such as PD, or fetish symbol, like Ferrero. And most can not afford the country, the return of the Left has a need, that is, extreme.


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