systole diastole. inhale exhale. listen to talk. win lose. male female. love fear. become sick. full vacuum. thesis antithesis.
routine every day asking imperative to have a meaning that transcends the usual and monotonous alternation of everything and its opposite. Research for the synthesis of the overrun.

why a blog can be halted for two months, to paraphrase Samuel Beckett: a lot to say, many ways to tell. together with the obligation to remain silent (1).
a pause for reflection. like the one you are now taking the left. to be understand better. to understand each other better. to avoid being hurt again tragically alone next time, to stop calling only a function of their hand, and hold fast to the details of its history isolated by magnifying out of all proportion in the illusion that they can be a true reflection of complex identity, which in the evolution and overcome opposition to its essence.
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