As described in recent days, the guidelines adopted by the institutions for this title is fully short, it confirms the downward trend of the control points of the three consecutive days where they have acted in such individuals, 21.22 and 23 January, these days are those characterized by greater volatility in the past week, this means that the intentions were clear and that they were scoring the designated target. The last two days instead of 24 and 25 January saw the prevailing presence of which was accompanied by daytrader to progressively lower volatility, as you can see the movements have hinged on the levels designated in the days before the bodies are strong, and could not be otherwise, in the last two days it had to be excluded is more impulsive movements in one direction than another because as I have referred several times daytrader does not comment on the merits but simply on the price of securities on the median level achieved, so here's the 24 days you can see an arc of movement in prices began to fall and then fall more in the next 25 days January, a sign that he had found a temporary equilibrium price around 15 €. The opinion remains bearish even though we see the last checkpoint of 25 growing, but the day belonged to a 100% daytrader the orientation of this point is not significant, then the court will not move the title from previous assessments, we await the coming days when the big return to move the pieces on the board to issue new sentences.
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